When Should You Upgrade to a Compact Tractor?
There’s no doubt your lawn mower serves as an essential tool for your property, but sometimes your needs outgrow what your lawn mower can handle. Upgrading to a compact tractor might seem like a big step, but it might be exactly what you need. Our team at J5 Tractors has put together this brief guide to help you determine when it’s time to upgrade.
Tough Terrain and Inclines
If you’ve been maneuvering your lawn mower across rough terrain and battling steep inclines, a compact tractor would likely suit your situation better. Uneven terrain can be difficult to handle with a regular lawn mower, but compact tractors are built to handle those types of situations. Mowing will become much easier, and safer, when you upgrade.
Tackling Tall Grasses
Sometimes areas of your property have denser grass or overgrowth, making it challenging to maintain. If you often need to mow down grass over six inches tall, it might be time to trade-in your mower for a compact tractor!
Upkeep of Several Acres
Did you know that many mowers are only rated for a specified amount of acreage? If your mower isn’t meant to handle the amount of property you’re tackling, you might be putting unnecessary wear and tear on your equipment.
Variety of Attachments
Finally, another factor to note as you consider upgrading is the variety of attachments you’ll now be able to use with a compact tractor. Your lawn maintenance can be leveled up to include cutting, snow removal, and material handling! The available attachments for compact tractors can truly change how you maintain your property.
So, what do you think? Is it time to upgrade? Switching to a compact tractor has many benefits, and our team is here to help! We have several locations in Texas, including Conroe, Navasota, Buna, and Normangee. Plus, we offer great financing options!