Tractor Operation Tips
Where would we be without tractors? These versatile machines form the backbone of modern farming practices. Safe and efficient use of a tractor is vital to the productivity of any agricultural business. Whether you run a small family farm or a more large-scale operation, this guide can help you and your workers make the best use of this vital piece of equipment.
Looking for tractors for sale in Texas? J5 Tractors is your source in the Lone Star state for great deals on farm equipment. We proudly serve our communities in Conroe, Navasota, Buna, and Normangee, TX.
Weight Distribution
While tractors are powerful pieces of equipment, it’s still possible to over-exert your tractor by exceeding its maximum working weight. Operating over-ballast is going to put undue stress on the drive train, which can lead to decreased engine reliability and loss of rollover protection. In other words, don’t try to bite off more than you can chew - what might seem like a time-saver could become a major setback.
Check the owner’s manual for your tractor to find its maximum working weight. Chances are good that most of the work you’ll be doing isn’t going to push that limit, but it’s an important reference point to keep in mind.
You’ll also want to note the total ballasted weight of your tractor. Optimal weight distribution can improve performance and even reduce operating costs while keeping wear and tear to a minimum.
Gear Up, Throttle Down
“Gear up, throttle down” (abbreviated GUTD) is a common phrase referring to the fact that tractor engines achieve the best ratio of work to fuel usage when operating under maximum or near maximum load. GUTD means saving fuel by shifting to a high gear and slowing engine RPMs while maintaining your desired speed.
When you’re using less than 70% of your tractor’s horsepower, you can GUTD for optimal fuel efficiency. Of course, always refer to your owner’s manual for specifics, and feel free to ask our qualified staff at J5 Tractors for advice on when to use this operating strategy.
Test out the GUTD approach by operating for a short time at the desired speed and throttle settle. Then, quickly open the throttle. If your engine readily speeds up, you know your settings are suitable. If your engine doesn’t respond, that’s a sign to either shift down a gear or increase engine speed. Keep experimenting until you find the right settings for your engine. It’s worth noting that operating in GUTD will reduce PTO speed, or hydraulic reaction time.
Tractor Maintenance
Thorough, routine maintenance is essential to keeping your tractor in good working condition. Here are just some of the most important tasks for ensuring consistent performance.
Air filtration
The air filtration system in your tractor’s engine is designed to filter out all the particulates permeating the air on farms and pastures. These particulates can seriously damage your engine if the air filter becomes clogged, and maintaining good air filtration is crucial for both performance and fuel economy. Installing a dirt restriction gauge makes it easy to tell when it’s time to change your air filter.
Cooling system
Your tractor engine’s cooling system also requires regular attention to keep your tractor running smoothly. Consider investing in a testing kit for checking your engine coolant, and remember that antifreeze for diesel engines is different from the kind you’d use in your car or truck.
Fuel density
Your fuel supplier should switch fuel density as the seasons change, but you still want to ensure you’re running the right fuel for the weather conditions at hand. Running the wrong fuel for the season can reduce engine performance, so make sure to confirm with your supplier.
A Few More Tips
Running any kind of farm means being in tune with the weather, and any experienced operator can tell you that tractors prefer cool temperatures! During warmer seasons, operating your equipment in the early morning before the heat of the day sets in will give you a better experience.
Storing your tractor indoors will protect against weather damage and other hazards, so it’s worthwhile to clear space for it in a barn or garage.
It’s always a good idea when operating any vehicle to keep idle time to a minimum. If your tractor will be sitting idle for more than five or ten minutes, be sure to turn off the engine.
Finally, always keep your owner’s manual on hand for quick reference, and locate a great service shop in your area so you’ll be ready in the event of any servicing needs.
J5 Tractors is your trusted Texas tractor dealer. We offer an excellent service department as well as a wide selection of new and used models for purchase. You can find us in Conroe, Navasota, Buna, and Normangee, TX.