How to Safely Share the Road With Farm Equipment

Apr. 1 2022 Safety By J5 Tractors

As the days get longer, farmers are beginning to head from field to field. You’ll notice long lines of cars and flashing lights ahead. In order to keep everyone safe and allow everyone to get to their destination, it’s important to share the road patiently and follow a few crucial rules.

1. Be Visible

You’ve likely heard the same message about sharing the road with semis, but the same is important for farm equipment, too. You need to be visible to the tractor operator! Farm equipment can take up a lot of space, so the operator will be very focused on precisely navigating down the road. You can help by giving them several car-lengths of space and using your headlights to announce your presence.

2. Be Smart About Passing

It’s easy to lose your patience and speed past equipment on the road, but this can create a dangerous situation for yourself and the tractor operator. Flying by can create wind and cause the equipment to sway. When you determine it’s safe to pass, give yourself plenty of room and drive steadily. Remember, they’re traveling at low speeds, so you don’t need to harshly accelerate to get by in time.

It’s also extremely important to note that passing lane laws still apply, even when you’re behind slow-moving vehicles! Don’t attempt to pass across the double lines. Farmers may be able to pull over for you to pass, but they will only do this when it’s completely safe to do so.

3. Drive Slow and Stay Alert

Most tractor-related driving accidents are caused by high speeds that result in rear-ending equipment. This can be fatal for the driver and the operator. You should see the bright orange triangle and flashing lights when a tractor is on the road; as soon as you see these things, slow down.

4. Understand the Operator’s Limitations

Tractors are limited in their ability to maneuver, so even if you think there is room for an operator to move over, that might not be the case. Changes in materials and uneven surfaces can cause a tractor to tip, meaning it’s not always safe for the tractor to drive close to the shoulder. Plus, obstacles like mailboxes, trashcans, and debris can be problematic!

You should also know that farm equipment will need to make large turns. If you see the equipment ahead of you suddenly veer to one direction, do not assume that it is safe to pass! The operator may be preparing for a turn.

It can be stressful for everyone to safely share the road during peak agricultural seasons, but with patience and caution, farmers can make it home safely and you can reach your destination on time. Our team at J5 Tractors is proud to serve the communities of Conroe, Navasota, Buna, and Normangee, TX.